Your Weekly Reader

Friday, July 01, 2005


A little mad cow disease is not enough to dampen the appetite of the American consumer. Unlike the first case of mad cow reported in the US – a dairy cow in Washington that had been born in Canada – the latest bovine encephalopath was a beef cow born and raised in Texas. Where it lived for the past 12 years. In a herd of other cattle. And where it gave birth. Several times.

This cow was brought, near death, to a Champion Pet Foods plant in Waco, Texas. It died before it could be slaughtered – last November! The president of Champion was quick to assure the public that, "No part of the cow entered the pet food chain." As for other cows from the same farm which have been butchered over the past 7 months ... well, here's hopin'. This cow ended up at the pet food plant because it was too sick to walk. Seemingly healthy cows from the ranch would be sold for human consumption.

Not that anyone cares. Although Taiwan has imposed a ban on American beef, domestic beef sales and futures prices have remained relatively steady. And Rick Perry, the Governor of Texas, issued a statement assuring citizens that they could trust his beef. "I, for one," he said, "will continue to eat red meat, and intend to do so later tonight with complete confidence." He later issued a revised statement that dropped the reference to his dinner plans.

Happy 4th of July. Enjoy your burgers!


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